Friday, September 2, 2011

Feminism In the World

As a man oppurtunity is endless in the world we live in the world we live in. While these oppurtunities are not available for women.W omen are often seen as the individual who cooks,cleans,and watch after the kids. While there husband's are looked upon to provide for the family. Feminism isn't just traits that come with women. It's a part of who they are deep down inside. Women weren't allowed to do simple things men take for granted like voting.During my reading I discovered women had no control over who governed them. The women's sufferage act helped move women forward. Women still face these problems today with things such as the glass ceiling. There is still work to be done for feminism.

Joshua Thomas

1 comment:

  1. I agree that there is a lot of work to be done when it comes to feminism, but women's opportunities aren't completely cut off. We have just as much of an opportunity to succeed and do things that men do in today's society. Yes, people may think we are the weaker link, but it doesn't mean that we can't perform the same actions and make a difference like men can. Therefore, I must disagree that our society does not let women have equal opportunity.
