Friday, September 2, 2011

My Opinion on Feminism

In my opinion, feminism is more than just a fight that women fight alone. Although the feminist movement was started by women, over time men began to support the fight for equal rights. I also believe that some women feel obligated to live by precedents set by their ancestors in an effort to be "traditional". (Ex: cooking, cleaning, care taking, etc.)

-Jared W.


  1. Many women do still feel like they need to be the traditional housewife, especially in the South. Out of all of the women in the entire nation, though, only a small percentage of people really believe that they should stick to the pre-sets. I do agree with the fact that women don't fight alone in this. Many men truly do believe that we are equals and that we can do just as good of a job as they can, but there are still plenty of men out there that look down on their co-workers just because they're women. Therefore, I can agree and disagree with this post.

  2. I agree with both posts in saying that women are not fighting alone against sexism and that many women still feel the need to be "traditional." It is also true that women are still treated as inferior by many men even though our country has come a long way with the way that they treat women. When it comes to women and men being treated as complete equals, I believe that in a intellectual scale, women and men should be treated as equals because we have the same intellectual capacity. On a physical aspect, simply because women are built much smaller and are physically not as strong, it is understandable to me that women be discriminated against if a job is based on strength. Due to previous prejudices against women's physical limits compared to men, our society has incorrectly linked the physical and intellectual aspects together. Once we lose the stereotype of women being "weak" based only on physical aspects, I believe that the problems of feminism will subside. Although we have come a long way in the way we discriminate against women, the problem will still persist until we can all make a distinction between the physical and intellectual differences between men and women.
