Thursday, September 15, 2011

Midwifery & Alabama

In my opinion, I think that midwifery is illegal here in the state of Alabama because our conservative government is very skeptic when it comes to the idea of midwifery. Since it's not a huge profession here in America they don't consider its legitimacy. The government would like to be in control when it comes to knowing how many births have taken place here in Alabama and among other things. I believe this still can be possible even if midwifery was legalized here in Alabama.
I understand that there are some women who would like to have a natural birth at home with a midwife, but there are some safety issues that have to be considered. This is probably another reason as to why it has not been legalized here in Alabama. Even though these midwives have been trained there is only so much you can do for a baby or a mother if the right equipment isn't available on hand. This could cause huge problems that the government does not need. So this could be another reason as to why its restricted here in Alabama. If the government were to set down guidelines and have classes for midwives into what the government wants them to do then the government would be a bit more open to it.
Since not a large amount of women here in Alabama have really considered having a midwife the state does not worry about it and maintains its restrictions. This only happens because a large amount of women here in Alabama do not know about reproductive justice. I know I've never heard about it until I took this class. Would the legislation consider changing its mind if women were better informed? Maybe, but they still want to have some type of control over the situation. So alot would have to be worked out.
When it comes down to the whole process with men I havent really heard of a man making a big deal about were his child is born, it's mostly the women who really care about this process. I think we all need to learn more about midwifery and the government included so they can express their concerns and midwives can answer their questions. Until then, we are going to be at this standstill for quite awhile.

Jessica Ebikake
9-9:50 AM MW

1 comment:

  1. I agree with the conservative government in the state of Alabama, however I disagree with your statement saying it is unsafe. I remember in class professor Geiger said that the United States has the most death rates of babies. I find this extremely ironic considering that the majority of other countries undergo the natural birth ways.
