Thursday, September 1, 2011

WS 200-007: WS 200-007: What Feminism Means to You Today

Feminism for me today means, a group of intelligent women fighting together to make sure that the female gender is treated with the same respect as the male gender. Now it seems that feminism is starting to reach and protect the the protect the rights of more than just white women. Blacks, whites, Latina, Asian, and lesbian women's rights are all being tackled by different organizations and groups to make life for them better. According to the readings this week, it has been established that there are three waves of feminism that has occurred over the years. The first wave was during the 19th century during the Seneca Falls Convention. The first wave mostly concerned with making upper-class white women equal in the eyes of men. In addition they wanted equal voting rights. The second wave of feminism occurred during the 1960's when women were incorporating the welfare of others while fighting for equal rights. Women were a lot more demanding during this wave, and fought for what they wanted to achieve. Betty Friedan's book, The Feminine Mystique, catapulted this wave and helped them to make all the progress they did. The third wave is supposedly now, but I don't see any current progress being made. In my opinion, women are at a great point in which they can be married, have children, and a successful career. Of course, there is room for improvement, but things general for us are not as bad they were.
Feminism is very useful in my life, being that I am a woman, and directly affects me. It was allowed me to do many things such as vote, get paid well, have children without the penalty of being fired, and has given me all around more options. I have learned many new things this week in the readings. I learned that women could get fired if pregnant, that is considered a woman's fault if raped late at night in a secluded area, and that women earned close to 60% less than some men when working the same job.

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