Friday, September 2, 2011

Opinion on Feminism

        Feminism is so empower to many women because of the fact that they are able to take a stand on something they believe in. My opinion on feminism is that it decreases generation after generation. Not because women just don't speak up anymore, but because women had more to stand up for in the past such as the right to vote, reproductive rights, equal pay, and property rights. Due to the fact that all these rights have been fought for, there are really no major rights to fight for in the present. We all know that the right to vote was fought for to its entirety because we had our first woman in the running to become a president.  
       Women in the past have been seen as a strong figure in the motherly or housewife aspect, but inferior when it came to making executive decisions. Although women are good at fighting in what they believe in,  I feel as if women had more pride in the past than in the present. Women in the past had this powerful attitude and did not fall into the foolish category. Women now are often found in magazines posing provocatively and displayed as sex symbols. I just don't think women respect themselves as they use to.
       Examples of this are displayed through the media mostly reality shows such as Bad Girls Club, Jersey Shore, and Basketball Wives. These reality shows are being discussed by peers which makes others want to tune in to these shows. Not to say women fully mock the actions of these characters, but as these shows are being watched I found that some women begin to pick up the behavior. Some women understand the concept that these shows are being aired for entertainment purposes but others don't. I don't believe that women should stop watching these shows, but they should recognize the wrong so they have an idea of how not to act in public places.

-Meisha D.


  1. I agree with the fact that active feminism is declining in today's society. Today, women are treating other women poorly, which gives men the impression that it is acceptable to treat women poorly as well. The scandalous behavior of women on reality t.v. shows is degrading to women because it makes women seem less respectable, which will make it more difficult for feminism to continue to progress in the future.

  2. I agree with the idea that women's pride is declining in certain senses as we get older, but I can't say I agree that the TV shows are actually encouraging people to be this way. Just because people watch these TV shows when they're young adults doesn't necessarily mean that they want to do the same things as these characters on television. Many of my friends watch shows like Jersey Shore for entertainment purposes, but we would never want to become the woman that Snooki has. Therefore, I would disagree with that being the solid reason as to why active feminism is declining in today's society.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. In some aspects I do believe that women's pride has declined in the 21st century, but it does not have a link to the feminist movement growing. The feminist movement is a movement of equality for all genders, no matter what actions they take in presenting their pride to the world. Yes, Snooki in Jersey Shore is disrespectful and not someone I would use as a role model. But feminism does not want to control women's actions, it wants to make them seem equal to the world. Women are responsible for their own actions and even if they are degrading they can still be pushing for equality at the same time. So I disagree that pride and media are reasons that feminism is declining in our global environment today because even if we lose our pride or watch too much of Jersey Shore we can still push for equality, even if we do not deserve it.

  5. I agree with you in saying that women don't respect themselves in a way that makes other people want to respect them. If you want people to treat you a certain way, then you have to put yourself in the position to be treated that way. However, I also feel like women should have the freedom to act any way or watch anything they want to and not be put down by society, because everyone should have a choice to be who they want to be and I think that's what feminism is all about.

    -Emily Hamilton

  6. I do not necessarily agree with feminism decreasing generation to generation. Looking back at where we, as women, were decades ago compared to where we are now has definitely shown great improvement. I do think that women have become stagnant in not fighting for their rights. The drive is hardly present - which is the opposite of what I do see in women when going through our readings. However, I agree that women do not respect themselves like they use to. Women today need to pick up on the fact that mocking the behavior seen on reality television shows is nothing but degrading.

    -Haley Daniel
