Friday, September 16, 2011

Online Day 2: Midwifery

After watching "The Business of Being Born," I believe Midwifery is illegal in the state of Alabama because it is seen as too dangerous. The movie portrays Midwifery as this process so easy and beautiful, and yes it is beautiful to have natural childbirth, but what if there are complications. A midwife cannot save a child or the mother if something severe happens. Only a doctor knows how to do this, and this is why children are born in hospitals. I do not think that the hospital distrusts a woman's body but instead wants to protect it if something does happen.

My choice would be to have my child in a hospital, but I do think women should be able to have their kids the way they want to. "The Business of Being Born" states that the epidural does not help with the pain of having a child and it is easier to have natural childbirth, but this is wrong. The doctor's are only trying to make it easier and they women should not be scared of having a child in a hospital. On the other hand, it is a scary decision to have a midwife if there are complications. To get pregnant and have a baby is one of the biggest decisions a family can make, therefore I do think the woman should be able to choose her own method of childbirth. In doing so I do think legislation might change if women were more informed on how midwives were used.

Something I would implement in order to bridge both of the issues of having a child in a hospital or using a midwife would be to have midwives hired by hospitals. This would be easier for women who do not want or need medication and do not have any complications. This would also help doctors not rush through pregnancies and focus more on the women who have severe surgeries in front of them. Yes, this might cost a little more but I do believe it would be more beneficial for the woman. The knowledge of the doctor's could be combined and the United States could end up as the highest rates of childbirth instead of low rates of babies dying during childbirth.

-Emily Zabor MWF @9 am

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