Thursday, September 1, 2011

Emily Zabor

In our world today, feminism means that a woman can be comfortable with who she is, on the outside and the inside, and be free of judgement in doing what she pleases. I also believe that it goes along with women standing up for what they believe in, let alone all citizens of the world, and not fearing what the result will be. Women have gone through many challenges since their existence on earth and as time has passed they have achieved many goals and broken many perceptions of what their role should be. Today, women actually have high paying jobs in the U.S. and are not stuck in the household 24/7. Think what it would be like if we did not go to college and instead went to a school to learn how to maintain a family and to do chores in the household? I know I would feel underachieved.
I believe feminism is very useful in our lives today. Without it, I believe that the woman race would be less successful and afraid to fight for its rights. Without feminism I also believe that homosexuals, transgenders, etc. would be afraid to fight for their rights. I think feminism truly paved the way for each of us to be able to speak freely on our morals and about our opinions on life.
Before starting this course, I believed feminism only dealt with women and it was a woman power sort of cult idea. My assumptions have been reversed and I now believe that feminism is a push for freedom and equality in all parts of life. Everyone disagrees on certain issues, but I know that we all want to feel equal. Feminism gives us the ability to do that and not settle on how life is as we know it. Because of feminism people can now voice their opinions more comfortably, dress funny, have equal salaries, get a crazy tattoo, and excel to greater heights in the workplace. We now can not only be women, but we can live it.


  1. Also, Feminism gives each and everyone of us a chance to speak out. As I stated before, feminists are just a bunch of "man haters". All they want to do is be treated equally. Women are stereotyped to be the "house wife", while the man is the "worker". Society is so stuck in the "norms of life", that they are afraid to go against what is expected. By that i mean women STRICTLY playing the role of a woman (being a housewife, as stated before) and men engaging in "men" jobs. It is a shame that men get paid more than women, even if they have the same career. The career fields of men and women are obvious as well. You rarely see a woman surgeon, BUT more men are allowing themselves to migrate into the teaching field. I just believe that women should learn how to speak out about their rights, as they have been doing for a while now, although their hasn't been much change. Women should use the encouragement from past feminists to earn the equality they deserve.

  2. I agree, I also had the same ideas on feminism, but they too have changed. Feminism does give women a voice, a voice that needed to be heard. We are now more free to think and say what we want and it's all thanks to feminism. We should not take this from granted, and this makes me realize that we need to further understand an issue before we judge it.
