Thursday, September 15, 2011


Midwifery is one of the oldest practices in the world. A midwife is a woman who took care of the pregnant woman and helped her deliver the baby. The reason why i think midwifery is illegal in Alabama is because it is so outdated and unsafe. In doing research to find out more information about midwifery, I found out that is illegal in only 15 states. Midwifery was performed before other methods of birthing a child came about. If there was any complications while birthing the child, it was very dangerous because the midwife was not trained for it. Even though midwifery is very dangerous, I feel that if the woman wants to birth their child at home and there is no complications with the mother or child then it is perfectly fine. Surprisingly alot of women would rather have a "natural birth".
Before this class i had no idea what reproductive justice was. In fact, I have never heard of  it before. Relating reproductive justice to midwifery, I believe the man should have no say so in where or how the woman chooses to have her child. Even though having a natural birth could be dangerous without doctors and professionals around, having the baby at the hospital could also be harmful to the baby because of all the medicines they give to the mom. So overall midwifery without any complications could actually come out better and the baby will be healthier without all of the medicines.

1 comment:

  1. Agreed. A woman should get to decide what happens during her birthing process. I do believe that a woman should be fully educated of all the risks and rewards honestly before she is able to make this decisiom though. As much as I agree with women having a choice, I also agree that it is safer in a hospital just in case of emergency. After all, there has to be a reason that it was outlawed in the first place right? And I dont think hospitals are like the video portrays at all.. My mom had both me and my brother completely naturally, with no medication in a hospital.
