Thursday, September 22, 2011

Online Day 3

By stating "One is not born, but rather becomes, a woman", Simone de Beauvoir meant that women are not automatically considered as "women", but they have to go through obstacles to develop in order to become a woman. By that I mean, it takes time to become a woman. Just because you are twenty years old or older does not make you a woman. Being a woman requires responsibility and independence. Some adults are not even considered as women. So i believe no woman is born a woman already, it takes time.

The sex of a person is how a male and female are distinguished structurally and functionally. Gender is defined as the psychological traits associated with one's sex. Last but not least, sexuality is how a person sees themselves. Media today is basically straight forward. We are exposed to how women are "suppose to act or dress" and how men are "suppose to act or dress". A boy is brought up to be a provider for his family. Also, the majority of men feel the need to be emotionless. We as women are taught to be nurturing human beings. Our feelings about certain situations run deeper than men, in my opinion.

In "Night to His Day": The Social Construction of Gender, Lorder argued that gender is a paradox. I guess by that she meant women can be women, but sometimes dress as boys or vice versa. Well, one can say it is most likely to see a girl dressed as a tomboy, rather than a boy dressed like a girl. Also stated in the reading, Lorder explained that as a social constitution, gender is one of the major ways that human beings organize their lives. In "We are All Works in Progress", I agree that gender is a social construct because to reiterate what i stated before, men are brought up to act a certain way and women are brought up to act a certain way as well. This upbringing would be described as a social norm.

-Bianca Jones MWF 9-9:50am

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