Thursday, September 1, 2011

My Opinion on Feminism

In my opinion, Feminism is a movement as to where women fight to gain their rights. During this time ( and still today) women felt as if they deserved the same respect and power as men did, which is true. Sexism still remains a problem today. Men are known to be "in charge" of the household, or anything else for that matter, which prevent women from having a voice of their own. During these times, women believed that there was more to just "gaining" the right to vote. Their main goal was equality. It is a given fact that it is a "Man's world", but think about it, what is a man without a woman? In my opinion, ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. Aside from the topic, we are the nurtures and the best supporters, that should serve as some type of significance. Women are just as important as men are.
One of the readings that stuck out to me the most was Sojourner Truth "Ain't I a Woman". In her speech, Sojourner Truth talks about the importance of women. As a reader, her argument possessed strong evidence. One statement/question that i felt was admirable ii n her speech was when she asked "Where did Christ come from? From God and a woman?" I can almost promise each and every one of you that no one looked at the situation that way. I believe this speech encouraged Women's Right Activists to keep fighting for their rights, even today.
Feminism is useful considering that I am a female. Feminism is very important to me, simply because women are still stereotyped against. Feminist movements were not created to make men look bad, their groups were formed to try and cease the separation amongst men and women when it came to capabilities of women. Last semester, in my Sociology class I learned alot about these types of factors along with the "Glass Ceiling" situation(which still occurs today also). Still to this day it surprises me the kind of advantage men have over women. It is simply unfair. Maybe if women continue to form groups and speak out about this issue, things will start to change, sooner or later.

-Bianca Jones WS200 9:00-9:50AM

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