Friday, September 16, 2011

Online Day 2 / Midwifery

I can see why midwifery is outlawed in the state of Alabama as well as 14 other states. It really is a profession that is not really safe for the mother nor the child. Also the main purpose of a midwife is to simply offer the woman a natural childbirth. Now that technology has advanced the way it has, there really is no need for a midwife. That is just a request by the family of the mother and herself.

However, in ancient times (in the Old Testament) there were speakings of a midwife being recognized a natural profession for a woman. I believe this was so because of the lack of doctors and the cost of a doctor. Some midwives were actually seen back then as trained physicians and received a steady income for performing their duties. With midwives present, the majority of births have shown to come with less complications, however.

1 comment:

  1. I disagree with you because the video showed that natural birth is often times way more safe and healthy for the mother and the baby. Doctors and hospital staff today are too focused on time instead of the comfort of the child and the mother. The video talked about how doctors are aware that the way they position the laboring mothers' legs is not the best way to birth but they do it anyways because it is more convenient to them. It also showed how more and more women are having C-sections because the doctors are rushing the pregnancy along. I think that if more women knew about the benefits of natural birth, there would be a great deal more of people that would prefer midwifery instead of birthing in a hospital.
