Thursday, September 1, 2011

Online Day 1

I have to admit that even as a female I really didn't have much interest in women's studies. I just took the course because it was the only humanities that fit into my schedule, but following the first week of class, I am already seeing things differently. In the beginning, I saw women's studies as most men do (women wanting to whine and fuss about something), but now I see that it's much more than that.
Through the readings I have learned that women in the past had to go through a lot to create the life that I see as normal today. Without these brave women and the documents and struggles they made, my life would be completely different. This became particularly apparent to me in the reading "A Day Without Feminism." Another reading that really stuck out to me is "Becoming the Third Wave". This story, in all honesty, pissed me off. It did so because it made me realize that there are still issues with and disrespect for women in the world today. As I was reading this story, I could envision these conversations taking place....because they do take place, ALL the time. Something needs to be done about the disrespect people have for each other.

- Emily Hamilton


  1. I totally agree with Emily Hamilton when it came to "Becoming the Third Wave". Shameful to say, but men still do talk like that about women. It seems as if women are the target for degradation. If we as women were to hold a conversation like that amongst one another, the situation would have turned out differently. Society feels as if it is okay for men to talk like that, in my opinion. Men seem to have it easy and get away with anything and everything. If I was the girl on that bus, i probably would have reacted the same way. The boys on the bus were downright disrespectful. The solution to that problem would have just been for the boys to be discrete while holding a conversation about their "adventures". Also, reading "A Day Without Feminism" makes you appreciate feminist movements much more.
    -Bianca Jones

  2. The disrespect that women face everyday from men has been an ongoing struggle in the world. I believe that the reason that women are treated as less capable than men is because of the obvious physical differences in men and women. The problem that us women face now is that our society fails to see the distinction between the physical differences and the intellectual capabilities of Men and women. Women in history who played the role of being helpless set this tone for women to continuously follow. This is clearly not right and many women activists have changed the way the world sees women. Women are just as strong as men in intelligence and should be treated as equals. But until we come out of the stereotypes of "traditional woman" that society set for us so many years ago, I don't believe that women will ever be treated as equals to men. Media today is a huge problem with its portrayal of women as objects of men.

  3. The world is still sexist and still has a double standard. Have you even noticed that if a girl hangs out with all guys she can be labeled a "slut," but if a guy hangs out with all girls there is no issue at all? And isn't it fun when there are websites dedicated to telling women to "go make me a sandwich?" It honestly is not fair that women are still harassed today by men and still looked down on. And even if the harassment is not public it is continually done behind the backs of women in all aspects of society. Yes, the feminist movement has made these comments less prevalent but women have to fight everyday to stand out in the world. I do not know if there will be a day where women are seen as complete equals to men, but we still need to fight for it.
