Monday, September 19, 2011


Personally, I believe that a natural birth is not allowed in the state of Alabama because it is a very traditional and conservative state that is stuck in it's ways. I also think that the majority of people feel that with a drug induced birth it is more sufficient and safe. Whenever hospitals, drugs, or doctors are involved the majority of people are going to be more bias. Regardless, of these circumstances I firmly believe that people should give natural birth a chance.

I do believe everyone should have a choice of whether or not they want a natural birth or not. By no means should it be one or the other. “The Business of Being Born,” enlightened me about the term midwifery. I found this topic to be extremely intriguing because it showed how some woman are disrespected and taken advantage of during labor. With midwives in place, this can be easily prevented. Personally, I would define midwifery as a way to incorporate the woman's voice and to respect her morals. In labor it is very intimidating when a doctor says what they should do, that is why often times they do whatever the doctor says. Sometimes this is emotionally scarring for woman as well as physically scarring. Midwives do their best to make birth a pleasant and painless experience. They also make sure they make sure everyone feels equal. A lot of the time after birth woman do not feel happy about their birth. While watching “The Business of Being Born,” I was astounded to see the reactions and results of each birth. Honestly, I rather not be consumed by drugs during the birth of my baby if it is going to affect my baby in the end. It seems to me that it is much more special to experience a natural birth in your own home. Rather than being in a hospital where there are sick people I rather be in the comfort of my own home. After doing extensive research on Midwifery the most simplistic definition I could come up with is the right of every woman to ensure the best possible outcome for her soon to be baby. Someone who practices midwifery is known to be a midwife. Midwives refer to both men and women who are involved with midwifery. Their goal is to provide a woman with a safe and natural birth experience unlike the ones of hospitals. I believe that hospitals want you in and out as fast as possible. They are not concerned about the amount of drugs they are putting in your body but, they are concerned about getting home or even just going to the next patient. Midwives strive to make you as comfortable as possible and not rush this experience. Although some do not think that these midwives are capable of complications, these people think wrong. Midwives are fully capable of dealing with the majority of complications. They can deliver twins, breech births and posterior position.

Overall I think that the idea of natural birth is a very special and sacred experience for one to undergo. They used this method centuries ago so why not continue.

1 comment:

  1. I agree that Alabama seems to be stuck in their ways. We have a set way of doing things, and we are stubborn to change. However, I think every woman's voice should be heard in the way she wants to give birth. She has to have it, so it should be here say-so that goes. Midwifery should be an option for her to choose.
