Friday, September 2, 2011

What Feminism Means to Me today

Although before taking this class, Women's studies really wasn't of that much interest to me, after reading the different articles assigned, it's quite interesting. I know that the feminist movement, if there is one today, is not as complex as the movements prior. As females, we should hold true to the values that we have and instill them into young females. I am a strong believer if you do not respect yourself, then no one else will. When i say this,I'm not only referring to males, but to people in general.
After reading Sojourner Truth's article"Ain't I a Woman", although it was logical, it seemed as if she had opened a new chapter in a movement. She was simply saying that, if one deserves to be treated with respect then they all do.It's amazing that people in those times didn't think that way, even now, some people think that all women don't deserve respect. If this was so, women wouldn't be raped on account of what they have on. However, I do think that negative attention can be drawn through what you wear but, that still is not a reason for them to assaulted.
I think that the feminist movement helped a great deal to move my gender in the right direction, but I think that sometimes some females take it too far. By that I mean, not wanting to dress nice because they're "not trying to impress a man". I think that's stupid, just because a female cares about her appearance doesn't mean that she is looking for attention from males. Those types of "feminists" are a little too radical for me, I think that they should reconsider.
As I learn more about the feminist movement, I think that I will learn to appreciate it more.


  1. Before enrolling in this course, feminism was definitely not an interest of mine either. But similar to you, after reading the first assigned articles, I already appreciate the ideals and beliefs of feminism more. I also agree with your comment that just because women care about their appearance does not mean they want attention from men. Women who care about their appearance may just simply be classy, confident women.

  2. I agree, I thought most feminists were crazy outspoken women who were hippies. I never took this subject seriously, but now that I'm taking it, it does make me reconsider a lot of things. For example, how we should be grateful for women like sojourner truth who stood up for our rights as women. We take this for granted everyday because we feel like we have already won the good fight, but I'm sure if they were here today, It would be so different.
