Friday, September 2, 2011

Feminism Today

Today Feminism means much more to me than what the title seems to reach out to, women. Feminism has an effect on people of color such as my self and it pertains to homosexuals. You can see how when we blacks were trying to gain our rights, they even shunned the women still. The typical white man believes that a woman isn't capable of doing the things that they do, which is directly similar to how they treated us. Feminism stretches out way more than to just women.

Feminism even stretches out to homosexual groups as well. The way they mistreated women during the suffrage movement is how they are treating gays now. I actually have matured myself. I used to make comments and act really immature until I realized that I was no better than how people treated my ancestors and in some ways today. So I began to treat gays with more respct because I had to realize that they are people too.

Jonathan Hubbard

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