Monday, September 26, 2011

Gender, Sex, and Sexuality

Usually when people classify sex and gender, they think they're the same thing. In our generation, we've learned that they mean two separate things completely. Sex is the body that someone is born into. You are classified into a sex by the body parts you are born with. This can be in contrast to gender, though, because many people classify themselves as women in a man's body, or a man in a woman's body. I'm not really sure how I feel about this because I believe that God created all of us in the body that we're supposed to be in. Sexuality is separate from both of these in that it's how the person feels towards other individuals sexually. The most common sexualities would be homosexual, bisexual, or heterosexual. Many people believe that we cannot help what type of sexuality we are born with. The media continues to influence us that this is true. Lady Gaga's song, "Born This Way" is a good example of that concept. I used to believe that gay people chose to be gay, but over the years I've rethought this topic and have started to believe that they really cannot help it. This may be from the influence of media in shows like True Life, the Real World, and many of the songs out these days on the radio. Either way, it's obvious that people are more willing to view different sexualities and be more open to them because of the influence from media. When it comes to the quote, I believe that it means you may be born into a woman's body, but it's up to you to decide your own gender. We didn't find out in the reading which gender that "X" really was, but X decided that it didn't have a gender and didn't classify as one at all because she was told that she didn't have to. I think this quote goes along with the story about "X" in the sense that a person is able to choose which gender they classify in even though it is outside of society's norm.

1 comment:

  1. I believe some people cant help they're gay or lesbian based on how they were raised. Then again i feel as if some people choice to be gay or lesbian.
