Friday, September 16, 2011


Midwifery is illegal in 14 states including the great state of Alabama.Which I think that law should be changed in all 14 states due to certain reasons. Hospital pregnancies can cause the mother more pain than necessary. Hospitals often dope mothers up on medicine to speed their process of contractions up. While pregnant women in Alabama deserve the option of choosing to have their children at home or in the hospital bed. Due to the laws of Alabama pregnant women aren't allowed this option. Midwifery also causes the women to receive less pain than hospitals. While it also allows the mother to have a natural birth. After watching the video in class I've come to the conclusion that midwifery benefits the child more than a hospital pregnancy. Midwives are trained individuals who have attended school to only help women bring new life to the world. While doctors in hospitals are not necessarily equipped with the knowledge midwives have when it comes to pregnancies. While there are surgeons who deliver babies in hospitals everyday. They attended school to perform open heart surgeries and emergency surgeries. Why are they in the delivery room delivering babies? This the reason the United States lies at the bottom when it comes to birth rates among countries worldwide. We don't have enough doctor's who specifically just focus on delivering babies all day. Until this problem gets fixed then we will remain at the bottom of birth rates worldwide.


  1. I agree with the fact that midwifery is safer if there are no serious complications with the pregnancy. It is a natural way for your baby to come into the world. However, I do not agree that midwives are more knowledgable about pregnancies than doctors. OBGYN's specialize in pregnancies and go to years of school and residency for it. Other than that, I agree that it should be legal in Alabama and the other 14 states to have a midwife because it empowers women to make their own choices.

  2. I agree with what you said about women having the right to chose between getting a midwife or going to the hospital. It all comes down to the woman and what she wants to do. The hospital don't really care about the women, but about getting them in and out of the hospital and not the health of the woman and or child unless there are complications.

  3. I agree, having midwives is safer and healthier for the mother and the child. Not only does it allow the woman's body to do what it was made to do it also gives the baby a healthier start. Women are scared of birth because all they see are other women screaming and crying and saying how painful the process is, but the only reason that it's so painful is because of all the drugs that force the mother to contract harder than she's supposed to.
