Thursday, September 15, 2011

Midwives in Alabama

Regarding the situation that the State of Alabama is one of 15 state that have made midwifes illegal, my position is that Alabama, along with the 14 other state under the same law, are stuck in the stereotype that midwifes are old-fashion, and unsafe.

Anyone, including myself until Wednesday's class, who has not learned about how midwives work, are under the impression that it is just a weird, unsanitary, and painful way to giving birth. This is the stereotype we are being influenced by. When I first thought of the term midwives in class, it immediately brought my mind to the way midwifes are portrayed in the movie "Backup Plan." In this movie, a lady having her baby at home looked as if she had been possessed by a demon with the sounds and expressions she made as well as how she portrayed it to be an unbearable discomfort. It is movies like these that make me, and I am sure many others as well, freak out about the idea of having a baby in your home.

Although there were areas in the movie "Business of Being Born" that grossed me out and made me feel a little uncomfortable, I learned that having a midwife was definitely a better, safer, and less painful alternative to your typical birth in a hospital by an OB/GYN. I definitely feel like Alabama is in a state of misunderstanding towards the idea of having a midwife. I think eventually when midwifing makes a come-back in our Nation, that Alabama, along with the other states who enforce hospital births, will demolish this law due to realizing that it is a safe practice that puts mother and baby first.

1 comment:

  1. I hope to see midwifes make a come back here in the 14 states that are oblivious to the benefits. Women are too often put under the impression that the better the technology the safer the baby will come out. Alabama is definitely misunderstanding the ways that a midwife works.
