Friday, September 2, 2011

What I believe feminism is today.

Feminism isn't a stand against men like many people believe it is. Feminism is women's desire to be treated equally no matter race or gender. Women want to have the same rights as men and to be treated fairly without discrimination. However, feminism isn't for women alone. It is for everyone, it's the belief that everyone should be treated equally no matter who they are or what they look like. Feminism is a general respect for everyone around you. Regardless of how silly some people believe feminism is, it is a very important issue that should be taken seriously. Feminism is the desire for women to be able to work and prosper as successfully as men. It's women's declaration that we can do more than just cook, clean, be submissive, and be soft spoken. Women now are taking hold of their feminists core and demanding to be treated fairly. They're saying we will no longer be treated as maids or house wives, but we will be out in the work force working along side men and doing the same exact jobs and working in the same conditions. Feminism simply is the demand of respect for all people regardless of who they are or what they look like.


  1. I agree. Feminism is more than just a movement; it's a lifestyle. Women's constant strive to be seen as equal to men is what I believe it is. People fail to realize that not that much has changed since these problems arose. I believe that the problems that women face with discrimination are merely just more discreet than that of what it used to be.

  2. I completely agree. I was one of those people who thought feminism was just an excuse for women to start some drama... And I'm a female myself. But now I see that it's not like that at all. It's simply women wanting to be treated equally and with respect. I feel like feminism isn't just "women wanting to be in the work force" but it's that women deserve the CHOICE to be in the workforce, or have babies, or not have babies.. It should all be up to the woman herself, and without ridicule.
