Thursday, September 22, 2011


After reading the assigned texts this week, I found them to be very interesting. I didn't particularly agree with the readings that referenced to children being taught their sex rather than it being natural to them. I can remember growing up and being told that girls didn't do certain things and they way girls should act, but those statements didn't make me aware that I was female. As far as I can remember, I've always known that I was a female. If I'm not mistaken this awareness didn't come from the clothes I wore or my haircut, it came natural to me as far as I'm concerned. I may be wrong about this, but, that's juts how I remember it.
The baby "X" reading was kind of disturbing to me, I found it rather strange that someone would actually take the time to write that. In a even more disturbing way,some people actually agree with a child "growing" into their sex instead of being born into it. Am I saying that all girls should be prissy and guys should be macho men, no. I am saying that parents shouldn't allow their children to act in a way that is not becoming. I cannot accurately describe what's becoming and what's not because everyone's parenting skills differ.
The statement about someone growing into a woman means that a young lady grows into a woman in good morals, manners, and educating herself. My interpretation is more than likely a lot different than that author intended. By growing into a woman, she probably means a young child can act anyway that they'd like and at a given time they'll realize whether they are male or female when "it's time", i definitely don't agree with that. I'm not knocking anyone who does, but my opinion differs greatly.


  1. I agree, I did not see the point of the Baby X reading. I do believe that maybe the point the author was trying to make was that gender does not define a person. In the story, everyone was dying to know whether Baby X was a boy or girl, as if it mattered. it seemed as if all of Baby X's classmates got along with him despite his gender, the only people who made a big deal about it was the parents. I also agree with the fact that all girls are not prissy. nor are all men "THE MAN", if that makes any sense at all.

    -Bianca Jones 9:00-9:50am

  2. I found the Baby X story fascinating as well as disturbing. I believe that parents should encourage their children whenever their interest is expressed in something. Whether that be a girl wanting work on cars or a boy going to fashion school, parents should support their child, and they should try not to tell the child that they can't do something because it is not gender correct. Taking something from the story and pointing out what Bianca said, it was the parents that were upset about it. Sometimes we need to learn from our children to accept the world as they see it - before all the persuasion from their elders.

    Haley Daniel
