Thursday, September 15, 2011

Midwifery in Alabama

I feel like Alabama is still stuck in a lot of their old ways. Many topics such as racism and sexism exist here in the deep south more than anywhere else because of the traditions the south upholds. I think this is one of the reasons why the government has made Midwifery illegal. They may not think that women should make their own decisions, but instead, a man should make decisions for them instead. The man in this case would be the doctor. However, I can also see the side where the government would make this illegal because it is unsafe. While midwifery is probably more unsafe than having the baby in the hospital when it comes to complications, the video even said that many complications come from the medication that the doctor's give you as well as the position you're in when you have a baby. This video really made my eyes open to the idea of midwifery and how it can actually be a good idea for those that want the entire natural birth experience.
I think that it would make a difference in legislation if people were more educated about reproductive justice. Maybe then women would be less afraid of other options when it comes to birth and their bodies if they were more educated on the subject. I think that women and men both would re-think the birthing process if they knew more about what happens when the hospital puts all of those drugs into your body and deprives your baby of oxygen. While I used to think midwifery was weird and not practical, this video made me realize why people still do it.
Overall, there are pros and cons to midwifery. It's unsafe if you have complications, but if everything goes according to plan, the baby ends up being healthier in general without all of the medication and the position they are in when giving birth.

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