Thursday, September 15, 2011

Midwifery in Alabama.

After watching the beginning of "The Business of Being Born", I believe that Midwifery is still illegal in our state because everyone has gotten so use to going to the hospital to deliver their babies. I honestly believe that the thought of not being on medication while in labor frightens America, that is why most are probably against natural births. Society is under the impression that hospitals are the safest way. The medication the doctor gives a pregnant women is suppose to "ease the pain". I am more than sure that half of the society is clueless to that fact that medications the doctors supply could cause danger towards a newborn's health. I did not even know that, prior to seeing the movie.

Before watching "The Business of Being Born",I did not know that natural births were still thought about. In my opinion, the thought of births scare the heck out of me. As a matter of fact, the woman giving birth to her newborn in her oldest child's swimming pool caught me offguard! Furthermore, as far as natural birth being illegal in Alabama, i completely understand. I do not believe that midwives are trained enough to handle a women if something tragic happens. Do not get me wrong, the midwives featured in the movie seemed educated and all, but as a viewer, natural births would still leave me undecided.

I do not believe that natural birthing henders the decision making process of a woman whatsoever. It is absolutely up to the woman, as to whether hospitals or natural birthing is safer. If women were better informed about the issues of reproductive justice, I do not think it would make a difference in legislation. As Americans, yes we do have a right to voice our opinion, but safety overpowers opinions and I believe that is why natural births are still illegal in Alabama. As for the Egg and Sperm reading, Emily Martin made developed great arguments although it seemed as if she was whining the whole time. To sum it up, she explained how biology books basically makes it seems as if sperm is superior when it comes to a women's egg. Relating back to the story, I believe that in this case, the man most likely will not have a say so as to whether a woman should go through a natural birth or deliver at a hospital because it all comes to down what SHE is most comfortable with. Not that the way their children are born matters to the men anyway.

-Bianca Jones 9-9:50am MW Class.

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