Friday, September 23, 2011

WS 200-007: What Gender Role means to me.

I believe that we are born a certain sex, but we do not identify with a certain gender until we reach a certain age/point in our lives. When we are born, we are like a blank slate and our experiences, the way we were raised, and our true inner selves begin to shine through. For example, Chaz Bono, Cher's son was born female, but now he identifies as a male. In society's eyes we are born the way we should act. For example, if a man is born a man he should exhibit certain qualities that makes him a man. He should be strong, unemotional, and ready to provide and protect. If a man shows a likeness towards pink, shopping and styling, or doing hair, then their masculine identity is threatened. At the same time, if a woman exhibits theses qualities then they are accepted by society.
In my opinion society has marred our view and tried to put different sexes into a box. Not everyone fits directly into one category, and society is giving them no place to identify with.


  1. I agree that characteristics are either associated with being those of a woman or those of man. For example, woman favor pink and men favor blue. However, if a man identifies with more womanly characteristics, that does not mean he should change into a woman. He should just be a feminine man. Chaz Bono is no exception. He should not have decided to become a man. He should have just been a masculine woman.

  2. I agree with both of you in saying that our society tries to mold us into a certain ideal figure of a man or woman based completely on our sex. I believe that gender is associated and accepted based solely on sex in our society although it should be a personal decision. Other than biological differences in the genitalia of women and men, the differences that we associated men and women by are completely the product of social norms. Men and women should be able to associate with any gender that they feel more comfortable with and it is nobody else's right to judge them or even notice it as being "weird." Due to the media, we are internalized to think that women should act feminine and men should act masculine but there should be no barrier in the way we are expected to act as a certain sex. I don't agree with changing our biological makeup in order to physically become a different sex because I dont believe that the biological aspect of men and women should characterize someone's gender preferences. People who change their sex because they associate better with the other gender are just reiterating society's expectations of man and woman based on sex.

  3. I agree that how we should act is identified by our external makeup, or so society thinks. But honestly I think that we should believe in our gender and define it the way we want to. We should be comfortable first off with who we are. But we should identify first as a man or woman and stick to that gender but define it how we want to. I agree that Chaz Bono should define himself as a masculine woman and not have to change his genitalia to feel comfortable. God made us a certain gender so that we could stay that way, but define ourselves through that gender.

  4. I dont think people should change their biological sex to express themselves a certain way. I agree he shouldnt have had a sex change. And whats the point on doing it if everyone has to know what you were at first?!

  5. I honestly just think that people should be able to do with their bodies whatever they want, whenever they want, for whatever reason they want. I think society puts way too much emphasis on the outside of a person, that they miss out on people with a lot of skills that could really contribute to society. If people didnt put so much pressure on each other to look a certain way, act a certain way, fit into this mold of what they think each gender should act like, I think there would be far less issues in the world. We would just be able to see "Sam" as Sam, and not focus on the fact that he used to be "Samantha", or he's attracted to a "Samantha", or s/he's attracted to a "Sam"..Who cares? Let people be who they are or want to be without judgement.

  6. I agree, not everyone in society fits into the same category. We are all different human beings and I think we should accept that. Though it does seem like our society has a problem with different that they need to learn to get over. We should all pride ourselves in our uniqueness and learn to accept each other. When that day comes I'm sure we'll learn so much more from each other.
