Thursday, September 22, 2011

Online Day 3

I believe that Simone De Beauvoir's quote is pretty much on point. I believe we are born into the world being a certain sex, but we don't become a woman or man till later on in life. Everyone overcomes certain obstacles by growing up and being raised certain ways. For instance, girls are raised to play with dolls and wear dresses while boys are raised to play with cars and play in mud. It is their choice to be what they want to be when they grow up. For a woman to become and woman and a man become a man they must have independence and learn to live on their own and not depend on anyone else.

The sex of a person is determined by "whats in the pants" and gender is the trait of an individual person and sexuality is what a person wants to be and how they see themselves.

I think the media makes everything worse in today's society. In our generation everything is getting more rebellious. Homosexuals keep their sexuality on the down low rather than letting everyone know about it. The media and the public looks down on homosexuals most of the time. I believe a person is going to be what they want to be, so let them be and dont judge them for who they are.

Malorie Cummings MWF 9:00


  1. When it comes to the media, homosexuals are basically looked down upon. Which is not right at all. I believe that homosexuals have it the hardest now-a-days. People should stop judging one another and realize that it is okay to be who you are, even if one rather wants to be the opposite sex. Choice of Gender is becoming a big deal when it should not be.

    -Bianca Jones MWF 9:00-9:50am

  2. i agree, people are going to be what they want to be and as long as they're not harming anyone then it's fine.
