Friday, September 16, 2011


I have researched and learned more than I knew about midwifery. I think its so much less painful on women versus having a child in a hospital. some medications given in a hospital that are suppose to help with the mother's pain, instead is harmful to the child. Though i believe midwifery is to a certain extent a profession, I believe it is illegal in Alabama because it is seen as an unsafe and unhealthy birth. Also, if women showed a great deal of interest in midwifery, hospitals would be losing a lot of money.

I think legislation would be challenged if women are better informed of their reproductive justice rights. Women have the right to decide how, when, and where they want to give childbirth. Therefore, I do not understand why midwifery is illegal not only in Alabama, but other states also. I think legislation should make midwifery legal. The practice should be open to the women who have the right to have their child how they want to. If women disagree with the practice and choose to have their baby otherwise; the hospitals are there to go to. reproductive justice allows the woman to choose ho she wants to give childbirth.


  1. I agree with the fact that midwifery is illegal in Alabama because it is viewed as unsafe and unhealthy way of giving birth; however, I disagree with the fact that midwifery should be made legal. Midwifery is not necessarily unsafe and unhealthy, but it is definitely uncertain. A midwife cannot predict complications that may arise from the birth, and would have no training to handle the complications if they were to occur. Therefore, for the safety of the child and the mohter, all births should occur at a hospital in the presence of a trained doctor.

  2. I think you are right, I think the hospitals are afraid of losing money if midwifery becomes more popular. If more women realize that there is nothing wrong with having a child at home a lot of women will realize that it's better for the benefit of the child and themselves. Especially in the financial department.
