Thursday, September 15, 2011

WS 200-007: Midwifery in Alabama.

I think that midwifery is illegal in the state of Alabama because it is a very conservative state and it still holds true the value that "men are above women." I think that they don't want women to have the right to choose which method of birth they would like to go through. I also think that it is a business for the hospital. For example, women pay the hospital for medicine and sedatives needed during labor. Midwifery costs almost $10,000 less than hospital births. I think that more women should consider midwifery because it seems healthier for the baby and for the mother. All parties involved seem to have a more pleasant and peaceful experience, however I do still think that hospitals should be an option. I want women to have the choice on what they want to do.

If women were more informed about reproductive justice, I do think it would make a difference in legislation because women would see that they actually have options. I'm sure many women don't even know home-birthing is even an option. If more women knew about midwifery, I truly do believe that legislation would consider revisiting their decision. I would like for both women and ment to be more open to the idea of midwifery and the benefits of it. The documentary proved that home-births were a lot safer than the hospital methods. Babies are born alert with their correct coloring, instead of bluish/gray and dazed. I feel that the documentary proved the home birthing method was much safer than other procedures.

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