Thursday, September 15, 2011


I think midwifery is still illegal in Alabama because it is typically viewed as something that is completely outdated, unprofessional, and unsafe. Alabama, as a whole, is definitely more conservative than it is liberal, and I believe that the modern midwife is viewed as a liberal profession.

I think that midwifery is completely unsafe. It is not a distrust of women's bodies and the decision making process. Midwifery was how babies were delivered centuries ago before hospitals and doctors existed. It was the only way women knew to deliver a baby before modern technology and other methods were invented and discovered. If a delivery undergoes complications, midwifes are not trained to handle it; the baby is not safe. Delivering a baby is the hospital with a trained doctor is the only logical option. If there are complications with the delivery, there is team of professionals waiting and ready to take action to protect the mother and the baby.

If women were better informed about the issues of reproductive justice, I do not think it would make a difference in legislation. I believe this because the legislation against midwifery is only looking out for the ultimate safety of the mother and her child. Women should be thankful for the legislation instead of considering it to be an act of reproductive injustice. "The Business of Being Born," portrays giving birth in the hospital to be the worst idea ever. They make it seem as if the doctors and nurses have no interest in the mother and child. If this was the case, then no mother would want to give birth in a hospital and hospitals would not have the success rate of healthy babies that they currently do. If women and men were better informed about the issues of reproductive justice, I do not think they would make different decisions about how children were born. If anything, I think it would make men and women more confident about their decision to have children in the hospital.


  1. I totally disagreed with the woman who said that doctors are strictly surgeons and she tend to their duties as a surgeon instead of delivering babies. We are talking about TRAINED PROFESSIONALS who have been through college for years. They really did try to downplay going to the hospital for a baby to be delivered. We are talking about the safety of a mother and her newborn. I believe that any mother today would rather go to the hospital where she know she will be monitored, rather than trusting someone at a lower profession to deliver her baby for her. I am not bashing midwives or anything, i just believe that safety comes first, as i stated before.
    -Bianca Jones 9-9:50 MWF Class.

  2. I disagreed with the statement that doctors are only surgeons too. but i do believe that there is as safety in midwifery also. As i stated in my post, doctors give women medications that are suppose to help with pain instead it is harmful to the child. I think it should be left to the woman to how she wants to bear her child.

  3. Although you do make some very valid points, I believe that Alabama should make it a choice for a woman. I believe that the majority of the time doctors are more concerned about getting the baby out rather than the safety of the mother. Typically, they induce the mother with more drugs to decrease pain in order to benefit their career. The babies often lack oxygen due to all the drugs the mother has consumed. Midwives are often highly skilled especially in difficult births. By no means would I want to undergo birth with the help of someone who is not educated. These woman are usually as qualified as any nurse of doctor.
