Thursday, September 15, 2011

Midwives in AL

I believe having a midwife is illegal here in Alabama because government likes having a sense of control and for the sheer fact of being uneducated on what midwives entail. Today, being pregnant is now a showy thing - an attention grabber. I'm not saying it isn't something that should highlighted because it should - pregnancy is a joyous moment in a woman's life - but it's taken too far sometimes. For example, in out reading, Living Incubator, Fetal Container, or a "Womb with Legs?", it talks about Lucille Ball's public pregnancy. I believe this helped women feel more open about their own pregnancies. However, it is taken to extreme when they are on covers of the headline magazines and are being gossiped about. With all the new technology, publicity is playing its part. Women have kinda been suckered into thinking the better the technology, the safer and less painful birth. The women who are more publicity hungry have gotten into, I think, a technology competition - who can afford the highest and most effective process, as well as, the best known doctor. Now that hospitals have captured women, coming in and out, and with all of the money funding that comes along with this, women in Alabama are unable to choose a midwife way of birth.
Another reason why I believe midwifery is illegal is because people are simple not well educated on what exactly a midwife is and does. I admit that I had no clue what a midwife was before taking this class. It also has me thinking about all of the men who are high up. In the government, there are more men based choices, and they are making choices for women when they in fact see no other than their own. Men typically share little say-so in how their wife or a woman gives birth. It just does not mean as much to them as it does women. Having said that, they are oblivious to what they are keeping their wives, girlfriends, sisters, friends, etc from. Midwifery being illegal is sort of like saying, having a natural childbirth is foolish and unheard of. A pregnant woman's baby is hers and her husbands, plain and simple. She deserves to decide how she wants to have her baby without the persuasion of technology and doctors.


  1. I agree with this post. I think pregnancy with public has been taken to far in today's society.I also believe that it is mostly the woman's decision on how she wants to give birth.

  2. I agree, pregnancy in the media today is too showy. Every time a celebrity gets pregnant all you see on the front cover of these magazines is their huge stomachs. I too understand that pregnancy is supposed to be a special period, but I think it should be a special period of your life shared more closely with your family and friends.
