Friday, October 7, 2011

Online Day 4

In class on Wednesday, my group read the article called “Campus Men’s Rights: Group Kicks, Screams.” This article talks about an organization at Arizona State University in which men are feeling oppressed. It only consists of four members at the moment but states that throughout past generations women have not been oppressed at all, but instead men have. The author states that men in his past generations have put women on a pedestal and have been perfectly chivalrous to them. They believe that men are oppressed because they work through plagues and hard times and protect the family. They sacrifice for everyone.

The group at ASU has made a list of rights women can have. They are very stereotypical generalizations that give women the right to reproduction, make a man pay on a date, women are allowed to be sympathetic, etc. The author states that women stay in and make biscuits as well as sit by the fire while men handle everything else that is important. The author also accuses the women studies' classes that they are all feminists and are feeling corrupted by men. This is not true, they are just trying to become equal.

I think these men in this organization are blindly missing some things. Do they not realize how capable women are and how much they have gone through to work to be equal to men? Men are protective towards there family and so are women. Men work to support their family and so do women. The article makes some points by the fact that society never looks at the oppression of men, but the generalizations the author makes very closed minded.
I believe that the members of this organization need to do some research first on the oppression of women or what women are doing in society today. I don't want to only make biscuits in life, I will not be oppressed.


  1. I totally agree with you. I think these four guys in this group do not see how much better they are treated half the time in the work-place as well as how easier they have had it throughout time. I think they take for granted what they have and think that because woman have a class dedicated to them that they deserve one as well when in reality, men are the main topic in history classes.

  2. I agree as well. I think some dudes choose to be oblivious to the facts. I guess they feel thatif you act as if you don't recognize the problem then it goes away. Women are capable of achieving as many great things as men can. However, it is a corrupted system that we live in that really doesn't change unless men are in involved to help with that change.
