Thursday, October 6, 2011

WS 200-007: sex segregation

My group and I read and discussed an article entitled, "Indiana Schools Imposes Extreme Sex Segregation." This article basically summarized what the Indiana school system was doing in an attempt to make a better learning environment for students. Their intentions are good, but the way in which they are going about it is very bad. For example, allowing children to only associate with one sex during their entire matriculation trough school can cause social and behavioral issues while stirring up even more drama and criticism amongst students.
This may be seen as stereotypical, but girls can be extremely messy at times, and being around nothing but girls will cause so many unwanted issues. Segregating students based on race would still cause many problems if not more. The opposite sex does not prevent other students from performing positively in school. That is something that must already be wanted by the student.
When we discussed our article with the class, we all seemed to have the same opinion on the matter. We all agreed that if parents wanted their children to be in an all girl or all boy school, then they would put them in one. The public school system should have no say in whether a child should be sent to same sex schools. It should be a personal/family decision.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with the fact that public schools should stay co-ed. If the parent and the student agree that the student should attend a single-sex school, they should choose to enroll them in one. However, when the parent and the student agree that the student should attend a co-ed school, it is assumed that public school is the choice. Separating sexes in public school will cause more controversy than good.
