Thursday, October 6, 2011

Class Article - Sex Segregation

One of the articles talked about in class was about a public school in Indiana that started segregating the boys from the girls in all aspects of the school day. The intention was to prevent distraction between boys and girls from their school work, ultimately implying that their attraction to each other was causing distraction from academics. I, like most other people in the class, disagree with the idea that guys and girls should be separated from each other. If high school is a time for preparation, then how is separating genders preparing students for the real world? We definitely aren't separated in college, and even if a student does not attend college, the world outside of high school is not separated by sex.
It's understandable that some parents cannot afford to send their children to private schools where there is a possibility of segregation, but most parents that send their kids to public schools know very well that they're co-ed and not segregated. If the child is coming home from school with terrible grades, the chances that it's from being distracted in class by looking at the opposite sex is slim.
I also feel like it would be more distracting to be in a classroom full of women rather than have integration. Girls tend to talk a lot and put their opinion into everything in class. If there was a room full of girls like that, it would be more distracting for me, personally, to concentrate on the actual lesson. Us girls have it in our nature to dislike other girls, too. I feel like it would create more tension between classmates.
Many against this new rule would say that it is sex segregation and sex discrimination. I agree with the argument because many different sexualities begin to surface in high school. By separating the sexes, we are automatically assuming that girls are attracted to boys and vise versa. What about the gays? I'm sure if there were gay women in a classroom full of girls, they would be more distracted than if they were in a classroom with both.
Overall, I obviously do not agree with this new segregation rule, and I do not think it will last long in that high school.

1 comment:

  1. I honestly just think this whole thing is dumb... High school isn't solely about learning literature, chemistry, math, and all the other things that were pushed at us; It's also about learning how to handle the world and social situations after high school. Part of that world and society, is the opposite sex. I also dont feel like having the opposite sex in the classroom is that big of a bigger than having a best friend of the same sex in the class. For me, I know it was less distracting... Sitting by my best guy friend in class, we would talk until class started, but after that it was quiet until class ended...Girls wanna write notes to each other and talk about all the other girls in the room. Maybe the people that came up with this idea had good intentions, but ultimately, I think this will backfire.
