Thursday, October 13, 2011

Media Representation

People are represented in the media through the outlets of television, the Internet, and print media. In print media, male and female models are advertised as being a symbol of perfection. Female models are stereotypically taller than the average woman and skinner than the average woman. The female models are hidden under pounds of makeup and an elaborate hairstyle. On top of all this, in print ads, female models are often photo shopped and cropped by the computer to look even more "perfect." Male models are stereotypically taller than the average man and way more muscular and tone than the average man. Even male models are hidden under makeup and spray tans. Male and female models do not depict the average person; models are unrealistic representations of the general public. Plus-size models are hardly ever used or seen anywhere.

Families are often represented on television. In today's progressive, liberal society, the typical family does not really exist. Television today is pushing the limits of what a family is. For example, on "F.R.I.E.N.D.S.," a character, Ross, gets a divorce from his wife after she reveals that she is a lesbian; however, she is pregnant with his child. Ross, his ex-wife, her lover, and the child create a modern, abnormal family. Another example would be the television show "Gilmore Girls." In this show, a single mom raises her only daughter. This is not a typical family either. There are abnormal families represented in the media today.

People of color are often represented in the media with other people of color. Even it today's society I feel that it is rare to see black and white people together on television or in movies. For example, in the "Tyler Perry Presents..." movies, there are only people of color in those movies. On the show. "F.R.I.E.N.D.S.," it seems as if a character of color never appears. However, I feel that everyone is intermixed in print media and online.

-Kristi Bardosi

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