Friday, October 7, 2011

The Politics of Housework

For this blog you have two choices:

A) You may write about a topic we discussed in class on Friday. What do these articles say about our society? What are the repercussions of these issues? This is an option for closing remarks on these topics.


B) You can write on "The Politics of Housework."  Do you think housework is trivial? How was housework divided in your home growing up? How is housework divided in your home now? Would this be a different conversation with a roomate rather than a partner?

Happy Blogging!


  1. During our last class we were assigned a topic and than discussed the topic with our group. My group was assigned an article about facebook slander directed towards woman, that is not taken seriously. Each and every day there are threatening comments about woman posted on the social network. These posts consist of threats and degrading comments, some even make fun of rape.
    It was astounding to me to see how even when 176,000 people petition against this crime, nothing is resolved. Instead it is twisted in the males favor because they are just merely doing it for kicks and giggles. The most controversial question that our group discussed was that what if woman wrote this about men? Of course men are not as sensitive but in reality they would not be pleased with the web site either. Than we asked the question, what if the owner of facebook was a female? Would she immediately take care of the situation or not.

    It was very funny to see face books consent forms and all of their regulations. In the terms it says not to bully or harass anyone. It is extremely easy for the facebook team to delete these nasty posts, the question is why aren't they doing it? Hopefully this issue will soon be resolved and taken more seriously. No woman should feel degraded or looked upon as a joke. The facebook team needs to realize this and be more sensitive about this matter.

  2. During our last class we were assigned a topic and than discussed the topic with our group. My group was assigned an article about facebook slander directed towards woman, that is not taken seriously. Each and every day there are threatening comments about woman posted on the social network. These posts consist of threats and degrading comments, some even make fun of rape.
    It was astounding to me to see how even when 176,000 people petition against this crime, nothing is resolved. Instead it is twisted in the males favor because they are just merely doing it for kicks and giggles. The most controversial question that our group discussed was that what if woman wrote this about men? Of course men are not as sensitive but in reality they would not be pleased with the web site either. Than we asked the question, what if the owner of facebook was a female? Would she immediately take care of the situation or not.

    It was very funny to see face books consent forms and all of their regulations. In the terms it says not to bully or harass anyone. It is extremely easy for the facebook team to delete these nasty posts, the question is why aren't they doing it? Hopefully this issue will soon be resolved and taken more seriously. No woman should feel degraded or looked upon as a joke. The facebook team needs to realize this and be more sensitive about this matter.
