Friday, October 14, 2011

Media Representation

In todays society, the media has its way of brainwashing people. Rather its something to wear or the new hairstyle or even how to live your own life. Men and women on commercials are "perfect" in the media's eyes and they try to get us to believe that if we don't look like them then we are not perfect. If women aren't a size zero with big boobs then they are not perfect and if men aren't buff and tan then they are not perfect either. Everything on t.v. seems to be perfect and we get in our heads that if we don't live that certain way and wear that certain shirt then we aren't perfect. Thats not how live goes and its not the way its supposed to be.It makes me sick to see such fake lifestyles being lived just for the camera.

My thoughts is that no one is perfect no matter how much money they have or even how much money they spend on themselves to make then looks a certain way. Behind the lens of the camera most of the richest people are living miserably. They have everything in life they want and still aren't satisfied. I'm happy and just fine with being a normal college kid that has to work to pay bills or for whatever i need. I'd rather work for it then to have it given to me. It just makes me more appreciative of things in life.

I do not feel perfect, but i am happy with the way i am. I've excepted the fact that i will never be a size zero and i'm fine with that. I do go to the gym everyday and that is what makes me feel good about myself. I don't care what others think of me and I don't try to be like anyone else. I think what we can do to try to change people in today's society is share the word that it is okay to be oversized and not wear makeup everyday. If your happy with yourself then who cares what others think. God made you the way you are and you don't have to try to live like the people in the media to be pretty or handsome.

1 comment:

  1. I agree that the media only uses "perfect" men and women on commercials, when in reality, no one in society fits this "perfect mold." So, their products sell because everyone is striving to fit this "perfect mold." I believe that perfection doesn't exisit. Everyone is different and shouldn't all strive to be the same thing, or else diversity would no longer exist.
