Friday, October 7, 2011

Facebook Page

In my opinion, even the thought of Facbook allowing people to make a page consisting solely on them talking about raping women is completely unethical. Even though most people may be just joking when they post stuff on this page, there are without a doubt some people on this page that are either not kidding or are getting the wrong idea by reading other people's comments. I also believe that there are no funny jokes that consist of people talking about rape in them. By telling these jokes and posting them on one of the most popular web sites in the country, it allows the people that read this think that rape is not that big of a deal and that it is humorous to many people, when in reality that is the furthest thing from the truth.
I think that Facebook should without a doubt delete this page and not allow any similar pages like this one to ever be brought up again. If this continues, it will only be a matter of time before many more pages similar to this one are created just to get a good laugh out of people, and these are the kind of things that our society never needs.


  1. This is so true. Just because the creator of the fan page may have initially meant it to be a joke, does not mean the other hundreds of people who have "liked" the page do not take it seriously. The people who do take it seriously without a doubt are a danger to woman because it is clear that through liking the idea that rape is meant to be fun is they have no respect or feelings over woman.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I completely agree that the page should be taken down immediately. The creator of the page may have intended it to be a joke, but there is no way to know if every person that interacts with the page is viewing it as a joke or as a serious matter. Rape should never be viewed as a joke because then it loses it's meaning of seriousness and is viewed as something that isn't necessarily unacceptable.

  4. The question is not just that we should take down a Facebook page because it is making rape seem humorous, the question is why has rape been humorous in society in the first place? Who thinks it's funny for a woman or man to be taken advantage of without their consent? I know I don't. So why is it broadcasted over our social media sites and more importantly broadcasted in the real world? People need to use the world "rape" delicately and help society understand the idea that it is a very dangerous word.

  5. I totally agree, rape is nothing to joke about especially on a website that is seen by the whole world.

  6. I definitely agree that Facebook should delete this page. It is absolutely absurd that someone would even think this was funny. I realize that the company of Facebook does not want to get involved and take a stance on this issue because they want to remain unbiased, but by not taking it down, they look like they're supporting the issue.

  7. Having Facebook pages on this subject allows a lot of people to view something of this sort. I think Facebook should stick to their guidelines and rules. If there is a page like this then it may seem like it is okay to post pages that are this extreme of a topic in order to get a laugh at something that should never have been laughed at in the first place.

    Haley Daniel
