Friday, October 14, 2011


People are represented multiple ways in the media. Every time you turn on the TV there's something new. People of all races, sizes, and sexualities are represented. However, they are all represented in different lights, with different judgements.
Take things such as diet pill commercials, we see those ALL the time. The heavier population is represented in these commercials. However, they are represented with a negative connotation.. kind of like "See how bad I looked, now that I'm 50 pounds lighter, look at me (walks around in bikini) I look amazing. If you are overweight you too can look as great as me!" So both populations are represented, one is just glorified while the other is put down. It's not fair. Also, the whole dancing with the stars controversy... both transgendered people, and "appropriately" gendered people are represented. However, people fought tooth and nail to try to get the transgender kicked off the show, but the "normal" people (no matter what they do off camera or how well they dance) are praised for their effort and gain popularity from being on the show. Again, both represented, one glorified and one shamed. In magazines, the latest trends in clothing are shown, and we are taught that this is what we must wear if we want to fit in. People with "style" are shown throughout the magazine, and in the back there's always the "what not to wear section" It makes a person feel ugly if they dress like that.
Media is all around us, everywhere we look, and that media in some way is always conveying a message. That message usually tells us how we should act, what we should wear, who we should love, how we should show that love, what drinks belong with what person (Dr.Pepper), anything you question you can think of, you can bet media has an answer.

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