Friday, October 7, 2011

Online Posting 4

In class my group discussed the fact that facebook users were able to create a group that glorified raping women without any consequences. After 200,000 people signed a petition, the people over facebook still declined the request, saying that it was only a joke and that the page isn't doing any real harm. They said the things being posted from the group are just like jokes you'd hear in a bar. Even if the words are only a joke, many people are bothered by the posts that they are making. Issues concerning rape can be very traumatizing to women, especially if they've experienced being raped before. Even if they don't mean harm by saying these things, dirty jokes still can be very harmful. For example, race jokes. I'm pretty sure everyone has heard one, and probably even told a few. Just because they get a few chuckles doesn't mean they're acceptable.


  1. I completely agree... Facebook isn't thinking about this as a human issue, they are just trying to keep their business from pissing either side off by ignoring it completely. But for women who have had to deal with rape, this is an extremely sensitive and traumatizing event. They don't need to have the subject pushed in their faces all the time. Especially in a manner that downplays how serious rape and sexual harassment really is.

  2. I also agree. I think that once a guy says a "joke" like this to a girl, then they are making a rep for themselves that will cause girls not to trust or feel safe around them. The form of "jokes" that boys claim to be saying should just simply stop because it's crude and disrespectful to women.

  3. I think we always associate rape with women being sexual abused, but it happens to men also. This Facebook page should piss of all of society. There is no right for it to be broadcasted on a social media site either. And yes, people do have free speech but Facebook easily has the control to take away this page and they don't. In no way is this acceptable.

  4. I believe the page should be removed. Raped is nothing to joke about and I don't know why they say these are just like jokes you could hear in a bar because Facebook and a bar are two different settings even if you are in a bar this topic still should not be joked about.
