Friday, October 14, 2011


Through the media, people are represented in many ways and society conforms to what it sees. In most cases, the people that you see in commercials are usually slim and attractive. What makes them attractive? Although some are beautiful people, what makes us think that slim looks better that overweight. Different types of people are chosen to play certain roles in commercials as well as movies. For instance, anytime there is a movie about urban life, the whole cast is usually African-American. Although there are some African-Americans that live in urban areas, all do not.
Yet, plots that consist of a wealthy family consists of Caucasians. As a society, we've seen this in the media so many times, it doesn't seem as wrong as it should. We see so many stereotypes daily on television that we probably don't even notice them as much as we should. When a convenience store is incorporated into a plot, an Arabian individual is cast, but it doesn't seem to bother many people.
The media shows society what they think is good,bad, beautiful, or ugly, but it's our choice on whether or not we believe it. Just because something is in a magazine or on television doesn't mean that it's true or relevant to life. It is up to society to look and discern for themselves and decide what they chose to believe and apply to life.


  1. I agree that the media shows society what is or isn't beautiful.

  2. I agree on how we don't notice the stereotypes as we watch television. It has become such a normal societal idea. That goes along with the many commercials we watch on how the world thinks we should be - we are so accustom to these things.

  3. We are definitely accustomed to how society is portrayed on television. With Caucasians being wealthy and Arabs working in gas stations, I do not believe it is a racial issue but a society and media issue. Why aren't the rules reversed? I think it is because the media feels like it will bring too much conflict between the public. It seems normal to have shows like Gossip Girl and One Tree Hill full of white people, but would it be normal if they were all black? That show would probably be on BET or something. But is that right? The media needs to be more accepting of people on the inside and not the exterior.
