Friday, October 7, 2011

The Politics of Housework

     In the past women were expected to do the house work, but now women are usually more busy then men and do not have time to take care of things around the house. Woman have jobs now and they have roles they play in society. Woman do not have time to sit around the house and do things like cooking. Today we have maids to clean the house but not everyone has the money to hire a maid.
     I do not think house work is trivial, but very important while living with the opposite sex. Not completing housework can cause arguments and complications dealing with your partner. Things like cutting the grass, pressure washing the house, taking out the trash, and cleaning oil stains off of the drive way I believe are a man's job. On the other hand something like cleaning dishes, mopping the floor, and doing laundry are a woman's job.
     As husband and wife I think that the wife should learn the husband's duties and the husband should learn the wive's duties in the event that one of them are away for a business trip or one of them just need assist. Yes, certain jobs were made for men and women, but I do not think there is anything wrong in learning how to do the job of your spouse. I think men and women should role switch or do the jobs equally.

1 comment:

  1. I agree in that both men and woman need to role reversal and learn how to do the daily tasks of the other. This then adds to yourself as more of an independent individual. Men should know how to do household chores as well as women should know how to do outside chores. Both men and women complain about their "duties/chores" so why not change it up?
