Friday, October 7, 2011

Facebook Hate Speech

On Facebook, the main topic that stuck out to me was how crude remarks are not recognized as how they could lead to rape. Women do hear and deal with crude remarks by men daily, but some things actually do happen. One remark can lead to a dude taking a girl home and forcibly taking sex from her in a sense.Not only is it downplayed, but it is rarely seen as a problem. It happens daily.
Roophies. Ever heard of them? Most men don't consider slipping the "date-rape" drug in a girl's drink as rape but is truly RAPE. Those crude comments I referred to usually end in these acts. Taking a girl and giving her this to take what is not consensual, is rape and a crime. The girl has no idea about what is going on and some of these dudes simply wave it off as being a good night. The girls privacy, security, and piece of mind is completely shattered and even becomes commonplace so some girl's just accept it for what it is. Terrible. If the CEO of Facebook had an open mind, he would see the speeches posted differently. They are an eye-opener to the real-world that we live in.


  1. I don't know who you are!! I can't give you credit until you let me know who you are. Also please change your name on here to something recognizable. Thanks.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.
