Friday, October 7, 2011


With housework being a necessity, I do not think the act itself is trivial. However, I think that the gender that does a particular is trivial. To me it's not important who takes out the trash or washes the dishes. In my home, in most cases, work outside such as cleaning the gutters and cutting the grass is left up to my dad and brother, this doesn't mean that occasionally, they don't wash dishes. The majority of the time, my mom and I handle the work inside, that's how I've always remembered it to be. Does this mean that we're doing women's work and my dad and brother are doing men's work? I don't think so, they are just chores set aside for different people.
I do think it's a problem when men think that they aren't supposed to help around the house with chores because they've been at work all day. It all goes back to how you were raised and what kind of household you grew up in. Growing up, I always observed my father cutting the grass and not my mom, so if I were asked by my husband to cut the grass, I'd be confused on why he'd want me to do something like that. I may be contradicting myself, but I do think that kind of chore should be left to a man if he's available. That leads me to my next point, for people who specify what women's and men's work is, what if there is only one gender in the home. Do other chores get neglected or are they done?
Since early times, there have chores that were portrayed to be women's work and men's work, especially on early television shows and from older members of the family. Even in earlier days, such as stories in the Bible, men have done dirty work and done heavy lifting, while women did work around the house. Housework isn't that important to me, I think that if it needs to be done, someone needs to do it.

1 comment:

  1. i agree, if housework needs to be done, then it is left up to someone to do it. I can relate to not having a male in my household growing up, so as far as the grass getting cut, my mother actually did that. As far as a "women's job" and a "man's job", it depends on the situation. If a man was in the house i would expect him to take out the trash, not me. As far as me having roommates, we have no choice but to take the trash out because we are all girls. Some may not agree, but that's just my opinion. I just could never see myself cutting the grass.

    -Bianca Jones MWF 9-9:50AM WS 200
