Friday, October 7, 2011

Politics of Housework Reading

I believe that housework is trivial, according to our normalized society. Our society has been molded into believing AND practicing the ability a woman has when it comes to "housework". It is not normal for a man to clean up a house, although that would be helpful. Society makes it seem as if it is a woman's job to perform house duties, while the man or husband do other things, as in watch television. Anything other than cleaning. I guess men feel as if women do a better job at cleaning, which i feel is an excuse for being lazy, as reiterated in "The Politics of Housework".

Since my father was never around, housework was just divided between my mother and myself. I am also the only child. Housework was not difficult at all, my mother and I usually REALLY cleaned up the house on Saturday mornings. It is easier to keep a clean household if an individual just cleans as they go. Not saying that it is okay for a household that includes a dad needs to have a woman to clean up after herself and her husband too though.

As for a conversation between my roommate or a partner, I do not believe rules or anything would be different. I experience somewhat of a problem with that now, if we all took turns cleaning up after ourselves, there would not be a set person that has to trail behind others to clean up everything. I just honestly believe that men have it easy when it comes to anything and everything. i must say though, we as women do know how to clean. As for me or any other woman, i would not have a problem cleaning the house, as long as my partner or roommate helped out as much as they could. I think it is a great idea for a roommate or partner to have specific weeks or even days where they can clean up, as in taking turns. Or for everything to go by much smoother, just clean up after yourself. As in the story, I completely agree that men always seek help from a women, some are not as independent as they may seem.

--Bianca Jones, WS 200 9-9:50AM, MWF

1 comment:

  1. I agree, a lot of men seek help from women. Most expect us to cook, clean, and take care of anything that they might think is not "manly" enough for their attention. What would men do without women? I think things would be different and they would have to learn how to do all these things their self. I think it's about time they did so too.
