Thursday, October 13, 2011

Media Representation

The media has brainwashed society of what perfect is. A man with big muscles, tan, waxed chest, white smile, tall, and dressed nicely, or a woman with a great body, skinny legs, small arms, big boobs, long hair, no acne, and more and more "perfect" things. Women who are supposed to be fifty look like their thirty. A perfect family is always smiling and sweet to one another. Everyone is happy and getting what they want. It makes me want to throw up, life is not like this.

Honestly, I will never be skinny, my body is not built that way and all I can work on is being fit. I have acne. I have big quads. My fingers are really fat. I have terrible tennis tan lines on my feet and my back. My teeth are not perfectly white. One of my eyes is smaller when I smile. I do not always dress up and my makeup and nails are not always done. Yes, I do not feel perfect but I am confident in who I am. I am healthy and I am fit and I am blessed to have a body that works perfectly fine. But not everyone feels this way, why? Why can't we all be happy with the body God has given us? It is because of the media. It is because we see ads on looking better, appearance wise, forty times a day. This is not right.

So what can we do about? We can show society that we love ourselves. That we do push ourselves to be healthy, not perfect, and we push ourselves to be happy with how we feel. Women are beautiful no matter what shape, size, race, or age they are. We are all built beautiful by God and we need to embrace that. The media will always try to market something new to make us think we need to buy it to look better. So ignore it and fight for all the beautiful and healthy women in the world.

1 comment:

  1. I agree that women are beautiful in all shapes, size, race or age. The media just makes it seem as if being skinny is the way to be. It is good to stay healthy, but all in all everyone is not fit to be skinny. Media has corrupted society into believing that the typical person has perfect abs, the perfect smile and somewhat thin (in size).

    -Bianca Jones MWF 9-9:50am
