Thursday, October 6, 2011

Facebook Hate Page

My group read the article about Facebook's page about women. I believe they should take this page down because it does go against their policy. I dont understand why all of the guys on the page act upon it as if it was a joke. I see nothing humorous in joking about raping a girl in a pub and getting away with it. After all of the signed petitions they received you would think they would delete the page. I do believe if the founder of Facebook was a women this issue would be handled differently.

1 comment:

  1. I agree that the page should be taken down, but I honestly dont think that it would make a difference if the founder was a male or female. The founder of facebook, who is an ass by the way, probably realizes that this page is offensive but doesn't want to make the effort to do something about the situation because it can be brushed off as a "joke." This is completely wrong and immoral but i believe that even a woman founder would not pay great attention to this issue because of the great mass of the facebook network. It is just alot easier for them to not do anything about it. I do believe that if the founder of facebook was a father or mother, the issue would be taken into consideration a bit more simply because they could relate the situation to their daughter.
