Thursday, September 15, 2011

Online Posting 2

In my opinion, I feel that women should have the right to choose where and how they have their babies. If the child isn't at risk of being born with any medical issues, I feel that it is perfectly acceptable for a midwife to help with the deliver. Before doctors were delivering children, midwives successfully delivered children that matured to full adulthood. The movie also stated that the US has the most child deaths during birth in the world. In Europe, midwives deliver most of the children. In the same rankings for baby deaths, European countries have the fewest every year. This piece of information goes to show that midwives are very safe for child deliveries. They aren't as educated when it comes to classes and operating rooms, but they make up for that with experience. They allow the woman's body to do its job naturally, only stepping in when needed. I don't think that it should be illegal to use midwives in Alabama. Women should have the right to deliver their baby by whatever makes them more comfortable, as long as there is no serious risk for the child or the mother.


  1. I agree with your statement. A woman does have the sole right to determine the birth of her child, however, the fact that midwifery is fairly unsafe plays a role. I may contradict myself with next statement but midwifery has also been proven to lower the risk of birth problems. I guess all in all I agree with the fact that women reserve the right to their own choice.

  2. I agree Jared..women should have the right to do what they want with their bodies as long as theyre not harming their child
