Thursday, September 15, 2011

Online day 2

Before watching the video, I was not even familiar with that the term "midwife" was or meant. So watching the video didn't completely change my mind, as the entire subject has just been introduced to me, but it did spark a definite interest and open my eyes to the fact that there are more options in the world than what i've been seeing. It's also caused me to think about how I want to bear my children when I have them.... I do feel that women should be far more educated about all the possibilities for them.
As far as the legality of midwifery, I seriously feel like it should be legal. Making it legal does not force anyone to participate in the practice. It simply gives them the freedom to do what they want to with their bodies and children. It's probably still illegal in alabama, because we aren't the most progressive state in the country(in case you didn't know), and because the hospitals earn money this way. The people in this state that actually have the money to fight for a cause or make a stance are generally doctors and farmers... So of course the doctors push to keep the birthing process in their offices(and wallets). I haven't done enough research to say whether it's safe to have a midwife yet, but just off the top of my head, I think I would feel safer for my child being around professionals just in case something seriously goes wrong. But that view could just come from being socialized my entire life thinking birthing can only happen in the hospital.
Of course I do feel like midwifery would become far more common if people were educated about all their options. I think there's just a negative stigma on anything but hospital births now days, so people just try to fit the mold. They think they're doing what's best, but in reality most do not know all the choices that are out there, and they have not been informed of all the positive things that come from each option. I think education levels definitely influence change, so yes, I think the birthing process would be viewed differently.

1 comment:

  1. I got from the video doctors do think what they are doing is best, but it seems as they do what is best for them and their time management. Whereas in midwifery, the mother lets things flow naturally allowing the baby to be on its time and come when it feels like it. There are no medications given that could harm the baby in anyway.
