Friday, September 2, 2011

Feminism To Me...

So much has changed over the years for women thanks in part to the feminist movement. After reading the articles I have read this past week on the views of a couple of strong minded women I can't help but to think what my life would have been like if none of that had ever taken place. Before, like most, I associated feminists with loud mouth women who had nothing better to do with their lives than argue women's rights. I imagined hippie women throwing up peace signs and decorated fully in all types of different clothing. Yet, I am reminded in the statements that have been made in these articles that things have changed though thanks in part to not only them but women of the past too. I realize I had no right in judging them because there is a bit of feminist in all women alike.
I can remember back to the many conversations I've had with my male counterparts over the very many overly masculine statements they have made, and the defense my female friends and I have made against them. When I read the article "Becoming the Third Wave" by Rebecca Walker, it reminded me of those times and of how they still go on today when men congregate in public and have these conversations. I know I still hear them when I'm occassionally about campus and I'm sure others do too. Except, unlike the past when there was the occassional strong woman around who didn't take it and spoke up things have changed. Most choose to ignore those statements made and hope they change the subject; I know I do.
I think most, including myself, only chose to do this because we feel like there is nothing much really to fight for. We are now set in the ways that great women like Sojourner Truth, Susan B. Anthony, and Elizabeth Cady Stanton have worked hard to procure us. If they were alive even today I still believe they would be fighting for something. I believe there is always a fight to won, and maybe even they would agree too.

Jessica Ebikake
MW 9-9:50 a.m.

1 comment:

  1. I think your blog is well written! After the first couple of classes, I could not help but to think what life would be like for us women had the feminism movements not taken place. As I grow older, I am in a work setting more, and I see more of the dominant ways and believes of men. They have and will take advantage of women in the work place because they think they have ultimate authority. I once spoke up for myself, and the guy acted like I was out of place for doing so. After that, I did nothing else. Women today have lost the fighting drive to stand up for what is right. And again, I agree with you - we feel there is nothing worth fighting for, or it may be that we care what others may think way more than actually doing what we know we should do.

    -Haley Daniel
