Friday, September 23, 2011

Gender, Sex, and Sexuality

I believe we are not born a man or woman at childbirth. However, as we get older we choose to become a man or woman. As a child we do childlike things; as an adult we think like an adult. To become a man or woman independence, maturity, and responsibility is much needed. As a child non of that is necessary. One's sex is "what's in their pants". Their gender is they were born male or female, but what you consider yourself as an individual male or female. Sexuality is determined on what sex you're interested in. You can be bisexual, homosexual, or heterosexual. Media will always construct constant change in what gender, sex, and sexuality mean. I believe we all know the basic tradition of a family---man and woman. If one wants to be heterosexual, homosexual, or bisexual that is their choice of sexuality. Who are we to judge? No one should have to hold in not being able to talk about their significant other because society disagree. In the end, they have to deal with themselves not society.


  1. I agree that becoming mature, responsible, and independent are characteristics that one develops and embraces when becoming a man or a woman. However, I disagree that one has the choice to become a man or a woman. I feel that one has the choice to stay a girl or become a woman, or stay a boy or become a man.

  2. I disagree that if we are an adult we think as an adult. Actually, a lot of adults do childish things such as judge others for their sexuality. I think growing into a man or a woman means knowing exactly who we are and being okay with it, no matter what society says.

  3. I disagree that if we are an adult we think as an adult. Actually, a lot of adults do childish things such as judge others for their sexuality. I think growing into a man or a woman means knowing exactly who we are and being okay with it, no matter what society says.

  4. I disagree that if we are an adult we think as an adult. Actually, a lot of adults do childish things such as judge others for their sexuality. I think growing into a man or a woman means knowing exactly who we are and being okay with it, no matter what society says.
